Science on the GO! McIlwain Award for Service to Science Education – Expression of Interest
The Science on the GO! McIlwain Award for service to Science Education will be awarded to a teacher in recognition of exceptional science teaching and service towards achieving the objectives of Griffith University’s Science on the GO! outreach program.
The aim of the award is to recognise the achievements of a teacher providing learning and teaching opportunities above and beyond their prescribed role.
The award is open to all current teachers (primary and secondary) across all education sectors (state, independent and catholic) in the South East Education Region Queensland. More information.
Gold Coast Schools Trivia Challenge
Each year, as part of National Science Week, Griffith University’s Science on the GO! team host the Gold Coast Schools Trivia Challenge. The Challenge is held on Tuesday 14 August 2012 at the Activity Centre (G07), Gold Coast campus, Griffith University.
The Science Trivia Challenge is held across three age groups with the teachers competition running in conjunction with the senior students competition. More information.
The 26th Annual Gold Coast Schools Science Competition!
The Competition aims to raise the profile of science in our community and encourages students to demonstrate their scientific abilities by entering a project into one of six categories.
The competition is the largest of its type in Queensland and has been established for 26 years with over 400 entries received in 2011.
The 2012 Gold Coast Schools Science Competition Booklet is now available and registrations are now open. More information.