Events highlighting new technologies and innovations in southwest WA will feature the science of marine mammals of Albany’s harbours, a Meet the Curators and Young Naturalists event at WA Museum Albany, Coder Dojo as well as SciFilm and SCINEMA short films.
Highlighting new technologies and innovations throughout August
- Explore natural history of whales, dolphins, sea lions and fur seals in Albany Harbours with Great Southern Science Council and Parks and Wildlife
- Meet the curators and join a Young Naturalists field day with WA Museum Albany
- Control a droid with regional Coder Dojo groups
- Fly high with drone research and innovations in the region
- Absorb yourself in the creative, strange and intriguing science stories of SciFilm and Scinema short film viewings
- Meet UWA’s Bristol exchange students to learn about their recent research.
And other events across the region will be held by the University Western Australia, City of Albany, Albany Birdlife, Film Harvest, WA Dept of Fisheries, South Coast NRM, WA Dept of Parks and Wildlife. There are also Science Week activities in Hopetoun, Wellstead, Mount Barker and Pemberton.