It’s the date you grab the kids and head to the Powerhouse Discovery Centre in Castle Hill where there’s a HUGE amount of fun going on for the first weekend of National Science Week!
Our ‘Amazing Science Circus’ really is going to be ‘amazing’. There’s an unbelievable amount of fun stuff to do; just have a look at the program (550 kB, PDF).
On top of that we have craft by Reverse Garbage, some footy stars to give you fitness tips and Taronga’s Zoomobile is bringing some of their animals.
Learn about clean energy, sustainability, the Hadron Collider, understanding your body, the chemistry behind fireworks and meet friendly scientists. Extract DNA, learn how to save the planet and find out which type of scientist you are!
Please help us make this day a success. Come along, forward the program to others and tell everyone… yes, everyone… as we’d love a great turn out. Suits ALL ages (even teens!).
The event will be open from 10am-4pm Sunday 11 August, at the Powerhouse Discovery Centre, Racecourse Road, Castle Hill.
Guest post by Imogen & Freya of Planet Patrol and i-fink.