Here are the 192 schools who are receiving a National Science Week school grant from ASTA in 2013. Thank you to all schools who applied. Unfortunately, they were not able to all be funded.
Thank you also to PrimaryConnections for sponsoring National Science Week 2013 and contributing an extra $4000 so that more schools could receive a grant.
Harrison School
A whole school science fair, incorporating individual and class projects. Students and staff will be encouraged to explore areas of Australian Science Curriculum through the inquiry model and present their conclusions in a poster, booklet or digital format. Entries will be displayed for the whole school community, including an after school public event. All participants will be recognised and winners (judged using a modified SEA-ACT proforma) will be entered into the SEA-ACT Science Fair at the schools expense.
Hughes Primary School
CSIRO will be coming to our school during Science Week and delivering ‘hands-on’ programs for our students – ‘Little Animals in a Big World (K-2) and Solids, Liquids and Gases (3-6).
Maribyrnong Primary School
Science Spectacular – This will involve a variety of special science activities organised for the day outside of routine science lessons and curriculum. Senior classes will present a series of science workshops of their choosing to the junior and preschool classes. Pre service teachers from UC and parents will be invited to come and assist with activities or simply involve themselves aiding student participation and enjoyment.
Mawson Primary School
Family Science Night – This will be an evening event when all students from Preschool to Year 6 will be able to attend with their families, as part of the school’s focus on the learning of science, including National Science Week and the ACT Science Fair.
Palmerston District Primary School
Science Club everyday – Science Club will be on every lunch time during Science Week with a different enjoyable, hands on Science activity each day. We’ll do water rockets on the oval, make an electrical circuit, make bouncing putty, make plastic buttons and plant a seed in a pot to take home and watch it grow.
St Clare’s College and St. Benedict’s Primary School
Science Spectacular – St Clare’s College and St Benedict’s come together to celebrate Science week with a travelling Science Show. Students from St Clare’s College present hands-on Science activities and investigations to students from Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 at St Benedict’s. We seek to highlight everyday applications of Science and to inspire students to further develop their knowledge of all things scientific. Our Junior Primary parent body and our “Scientists in Schools” partners are invited to the day.
St. Thomas the Apostle School
Science Day consisting of different group activities including experimenting, exploring and discovery where students move around from one activity to the other.
Theodore Primary School
Run fun lunchtime activities to extend on the term’s science unit of work with invitations to parent community to participate. K-2 Schoolyard Safari – planned activity is to provide bug-catchers, butterfly nets, magnifying glasses and insect identification pictures for students to use at lunchtime. 3/4 Engquest – planned activity is to provide a range of construction materials and design briefs for students to experiment with during lunchtime. 5/6 Solids, liquids & gases – planned activity is to provide 5/6 students the necessary equipment to conduct ‘shows’ displaying their knowledge around solids, liquids and gases for viewing by the school community during lunchtimes.
Wanniassa School
An engineering challenge! Students on the senior campus (years 7-10) will be asked to construct a straw bridge AND/OR a catapult. The basic design instructions are taken from EngQuest website – sponsored by Engineers Australia. The top 3 designs of the straw bridges and top 3 designs of catapults will then be presented to our Junior Campus (likely years 4-6) at an assembly. These students will then vote for the best design.
Ashcroft High School
‘Science Fun Days’ during the Science Week will be organised to have students involved in science labs and experiments. Primary school students will work with student mentors from Ashcroft High School to see science in action. Five local primary schools will be invited. Science laboratories will be set up with 8 ‘hands on experiments’. Each student will be provided with a work booklet to complete and to take back to his or her primary school.
Ashfield Boys High School
Ashfield Boys High Science Expo, an evening presentation awards night consisting of three categories. Junior Students science project, Senior student science project, Youth community photo competition. Ashfield and other local high schools can submit a research project.
Bishop Druitt College
Science Magic Show – Older students (year 10) will perform a magic show using science as its basis. They will demonstrate Newton’s Laws, chemical reactions and the properties of matter amongst other things in an entertaining manner. The audience will be younger students (year 7).
Bodalla Public School
Let’s fly! – Students participate in activities around flight. Activities will include designing and making kites, using balloons to make rockets, working with parachutes, making and flying paper planes of various designs and learning about the flight principles of boomerangs.
Bowral Public School
Bowral Celebrating National Science Week’ – We will have a dedicated day for science experiments and demonstrations. Each class teacher will have an experiment that they run and explain to each class in turn.
Carlton South Public School
Science in Partnership – We will be undertaking a science fair in conjunction with 2 of our local high schools. Students in stage 3 will rotate through demonstrations and/or hands-on experiments. High school students will run the ‘stalls’. As a follow-up we will undertake another science fair for stage 2. This time our students in Stage 3 will mentor the students in years 3 and 4. Additionally, we will have a display of student work from the Crest awards and general science activities, for community members to appreciate.
Castle Cove Public School
Science under the Stars – A whole school community event with a focus on space and investigation in science. It will feature an exhibition of Stage 3 student science investigations and Stage 2 student projects and artworks on space. Selected groups of students will run hands-on activities and demonstrations on various aspects of science (for e.g. pH and acidity of common substances, polymers and slime, light, robotics etc.) for visitors. There will also be mini challenges and competitions on the night. The community will also be given the opportunity to learn about objects in the night sky using telescopes. Volunteers from the Northern Sydney Astronomical Society will provide telescopes for viewing, and visitors will be encouraged to bring their own devices (BYOD).
Cessnock East Public School
Students from each class will create balloon-powered cars. A whole school competition will be run to see which class’s car(s) travel the furthest. We will also run the inaugural mousetrap car derby that will involve other schools. Students will be given stimulus to create mousetrap cars, in order to compete against each other.
Chalmers Road Special School
Our school caters for students with intellectual disabilities, Autism and challenging behaviours. The Early Learners program (CSIRO) is a hands-on program using gross motor skills and engaging students’ different senses. Children with Autism learn best through this type of learning. Concepts such as movement, energy, sound vibrations, forces and balance are introduced. This program will provide our students with the opportunity to explore a range of science activities through observation, listening and feeling.
Condobolin High School
Interactive Science Day – Plan is underway to engage yr 8 and 9 students in the planning and conducting of an open day style event that will involve students from across all the schools in the local area. Throughout the day a series of events will take place aimed at different year levels to create enthusiasm and interest for science, some ideas that are taking place include a science play aimed a infants through to a trivia afternoon.
Cowper Primary School
To provide a Small Schools’ Science Day of experiments led by teachers from four small rural schools.
Gunnedah South Public School
South Spectacular Science Fair – Kinder to Year 6 Children from K/6 will be split into 22 groups so they can rotate through hands-on activities demonstrating various science investigations. We will invite Gunnedah High School students to demonstrate a number of science investigations.
Harwood Island Public School
Science activity day – The WS will be involved in science experiments and activities through out the day involving aspects of science such as the Living Things, Physical Phenomena, The Earth and its Surroundings, Investigating, Designing and making and Using technology.
Hornsby Heights Public School
Climate Clever Day – Students from years 4 to 6 will share their projects and activities with buddy classes from Kindergarten to Year 3. This will provide the older students with an opportunity to teach and therefore consolidate their learning; it will provide the younger students with skills, knowledge and strategies to be climate clever when looking at ways to save energy.
Kingstown Public School
Science Day in small school with rotational activities – Kids teaching kids Hands on stations-Sailing, Sinking, Soaring; Clean Water Science: Weather themed activities and Electrical circuits.
Kirrawee High School
Kirrawee High Science Fair – The students will can act as displayers and communicators of science to primary school students of both inquiry schools and self prepared museum exhibits that describe how science has changed technology and the impact that has had on society both in the past and today.
Kyogle Public School
Whole school Science Day – The entire school will be divided into groups and rotated around a range of demonstrations and hands of science activities/investigations. Class teachers will work in pairs to offer an activity that children from K-6 can actively engage in for 20 minutes before rotating to the next activity.
Lake Munmorah High School
Students from Stage 4, 5 & 6 will be as part of an assessment required to research and display posters on male and female Australian scientists that cover the last century. The posters will be displayed in the hall. A range of practical related demonstrations will also be conducted in the hall. The display will be open to WS during breaks and to public after school.
Lisarow High School
Senior students will educate junior high school students and primary school students about renewable energy. The senior students give multimedia presentations and demonstrations where possible on a range of renewable energy technologies.
Matraville Public School
A whole school event in the hall where upper primary will run different experiments to display and show to K-3 and parents. This will show the importance of experiments and the fun that is involved in making and displaying different experiments.
Mount Austin High School
Five Year 9 students from last year will be acting as mentors to our current Year 9 students, and then demonstrating their activities to our Year 7 students in school. The next day the Year 9 students will be rolling out their skills to the Elders and their community, and finally end the week by going to CSU where they demonstrate at Science Unleashed.
Mount Brown Public School
The Dapto Learning Community has worked collaboratively to plan 8 units of work for the new science curriculum. The first unit we are implementing during Term 2. It requires a day of hands on experimenting activities that teach the concept of ‘fair test’. Students will design and build a seismograph, test how wind and water affect landforms and be involved in simulations/drills for dangerous environmental disasters.
Mt Ousley Public School
MOPS Super Science Week will include a visit by our SiS partner to conduct forensic investigation of school lunchboxes for germs with year 5/6, an excursion to Wollongong beach to undertake a plastics marine debris survey (we are part of TeachWIld and data will be submitted), half day super science session with all classes and teachers participating – model rockets, robotics, bridge building competition, bird-watching survey etc.
Mullumbimby High School
Feral Peril public awareness of feral pests working alongside DPI and National Parks and Wildlife. Working with Mullumbimby High students and involving local primary school students as well as other high schools and the wider community.
Nambucca Heads High School
Science Expo Week – Lunchtime activities to be run everyday for the entire Science Week that entice all students to be involved. Additionally, local primary schools will be invited to attend on specific days, where older students will mentor them. A dress up day with themed ball will run for the week with days including: * early 1900’s * favourite scientist * astronomy * biology * scientific concept
Nowra High School
The school will be hosting the Nowra High School Science Fair. Students from K to Yr 10 from local schools will be presenting their Student Investigation Projects for judging by other teachers from local schools, members of the local community and local businesses. Yr 11 and Yr 12 students will be presenting a showcase of mini experiments to the visitors to the fair to display and explain the cool side of science.
Penrith South Primary School
Variety of activities including, extending the vegetable garden to enable more students to become involved in seed germination, planting and caring of plants, setting up a worm farm with assistance from the local high school, cooking activities with CWA, mixing colour, designing and building models to extend, designing and building a wind powered car with high school students, kite designing.
Quandialla Central School
School Science Fair – students in years K – 10 will present their student scientific investigation project. Members of the public, school and parents will attend. All Activities will be on the topic ‘Plants and the Garden’.
Rathmines Public School
Living with Science Day’ will be a day of promoting science through fun hands on activities and guest speakers. Each stage group will rotate through prepared activities run by our teachers and guest speakers. Many recyclable objects will be collected prior to the day to be used for the activities as we encourage promoting sustainability. Prior to the day a competition will be organised for each stage to design and construct science models that will be on display for judging during Science Week. Stage 3 will also be taking a tour of Eraring power station during Science week.
South Grafton High School
South Grafton Community of Schools Annual Science Fair – The students will conduct mini experiments based on some of our Australian Nobel Prize winners. SGHS students will teach them these experiments and the associated history behind the Australian scientists. As part of the Fair we will be conducting a great Graftonian Scientist competition, where students will be given the opportunity to do conduct an investigation prior to the fair and present their findings at the Science Fair.
Spencer Public School
Tree planting day to tie in with our growth and change unit. We will be inviting the community and another local school to share in the day.
St Augustine’s College, Sydney
Science competition to run at lunchtimes between different tutor groups involving a range of challenges, such as: a tasting challenge (without using eyes or nose), a cornflour challenge, a communication challenge (Teams of 2, 1 person is the eyes, the other [blindly] controls a RC car around a track) and a paper aeroplane challenge
St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton
Upper Hunter Forensics Day – The Day will provide students with an opportunity to engage in situations where Science is observable in real world situations with a particular emphasis on Forensic Science. Students will undertake a series of hands-on engaging activities that are aimed at introducing them to specific forensic techniques, and then as a group consolidate this knowledge with other students to solve a hypothetical crime. The program will be open to Catholic Schools within the Maitland – Newcastle Diocese, with schools within the Upper Hunter initially being targeted, for students in stage 4 (Year 7 and 8).
St Joseph’s Primary School, Denman
Science experiment afternoon. Students will liaise with teachers to design a series of experiments and actvities to be conducted across an afternoon in Science Week for all classes.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Wauchope
St Joseph’s will hold a Science Fair where students will choose their own area of interest where science relates to everyday life and/or to industry. Students will investigate, hypothesise and prove. A science teacher and senior students from St Joseph’s Regional College will judge the fair. The second phase will be to facilitate peer-to-peer teaching in small groups of about 8-10. Students from kindergarten to year 6 will be put in small groups and will have the opportunity to rotate through science experiments from the Science Fair. The final phase is to assist in the transition to High School allowing Stage 3 students to attend science lessons in a fully operational High School Science laboratory at St Joseph’s Regional High School.
St Patricks School, Trundle
Outdoor Science Fair – The students are currently setting up an outdoor learning area, with garden beds, seating and watering system. Activities will be run on Friday afternoon, August 16 2013, whereby parents and community members are invited to the outdoor learning area and take part in various activities at several learning stations. This includes setting up the structure for an outdoor herb and vegetable garden, collecting and using the castings from our existing worm farm, observing microscopic animals using microscopes; making a ‘worm viewer’ using recycled materials; using a thermometer, rain gauge and wind gauge to determine local weather conditions, and finally preparing a salad using our garden ingredients.
St Therese Primary School, Padstow
Veritas Air Show’ (‘Veritas’ means truth and is our school motto) – Our local high school will assist their primary colleagues and contribute to the more sophisticated aspects of solar energy and light-weight powered flight designs, as well as invite nearby clubs associated with flight and birds to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
St. Patrick’s School, Sutherland
A whole school evening science fair where children will participate in experiments, demonstrations etc to highlight their love of/understandings in science to the community.
Thomas Reddall High School
Science Spectacular – Local feeder primary schools will take part in hands-on activities demonstrating various science investigations. This will also include displays and demonstrations to show the role played by Science is in our everyday life. The exhibition topics will include electricity and magnetism, chemical reactions, alternative energy resources, nuclear energy and space science. The teachers and senior students will lead the children through the various stalls set up in the School Hall.
Timbumburi Public School
We are hoping to access a specialist Science teacher, who will be conducting hands on science lessons with our whole school.
Toomelah Public School
Toomelah Science Expo – Understanding our River. Checking out the turbidity, the ph level, and the microorganisms in our river.
Toongabbie East Public School
Science Gala Day – Stage 2 students come for the day and take part in a cycle of hands on activities and challenges.
Trinity Catholic College, Regents Park
Science Olympics will run every day during Science Week involving teams from Years 7 and 8.
Undercliffe Public School
Science Fair – The students in 5/6 will be working in small groups to design and present an experiment to students from K to 4. They will each be allocated a space in the hall to set up and run their experiment to teach a specific concept to different classes as they rotate through the presenters. The students in 5/6 will be assigned a topic to work from to ensure that all areas of science are covered. The students will be supported and mentored by their teachers and the science co-ordinator.
Walcha Central School
This is becoming a highly anticipated event in our local community. Students in 7-10 present their major science projects in a science fair environment. Parent come to view in the evening and our local Rotary club provides a free BBQ. The day part involves students from the local primary schools and our primary section viewing and peer reviewing projects then taking part in student lead science based activities.
Wallsend Public School
Science Challenge – Students will participate in a number science challenges that will extend their knowledge beyond the classroom learning. Challenges will include: building a bridge that spans 40cm and that can hold a matchbox car, building the tallest newspaper tower that can hold a marshmallow, using straws design a musical instrument that makes the loudest sound and finding out how many drops of water can be held on a 20 cent piece.
Wilkins Public School
Box Kite construction.
Wilton Public School
Science Extravaganza – Senior students of the school will be given the opportunity to investigate a science experiment and runa stall at a Science Fair Day and share it with the rest of the school and school communities.
Wollondilly Anglican College
Celebrating 10 Years of Science at WAC – Hosting a variety of activities for Science Week. We would like to have special lessons for every secondary 7-10 Science class doing “Science Magic” – experiments and demonstrations for no other reason but to inspire. We would also like to run similar activities for our P. We are also planning guest speakers, including getting a speaker for an astronomy night, hopefully linking up with the local astronomy club (Macarthur Astronomical Society).
Wyndham College
A school science fair involving a show and tell of the scientific projects created by the student body. In addition to students from Wyndham College, students from junior campuses will also be invited to display their projects. The fair will be open to students, par and the local community. Young people working with scientific organisations or taking up tertiary studies in science would be invited to address Year 11 and 12 students.
Yowie Bay Public School
Celebration of Science week- a week long student Science Fair, judged by scientists to a student developed criteria, along with an intensive day of hands on workshops where students get to explore the depth of what science is- doctors, chemists, biologists, radiologist, astronomer, horticulturalist, sound engineer, chromatography, DNA testing, and university science and senior high school students present hands on inquiry based workshops levelled for three staged groups so material and activities are directed in specific developmental sequences.
Acacia Hill School
Developing a science corner of the school sensory garden that will have designated garden beds to be used for a range of short term and longer-term scientific investigations.
Bakewell Primary School
Science experiments and demonstrations in all classrooms.
Casuarina Senior College
Travelling Science Show – formation of a group of interested science students to plan and implement a program of science activities to present at local middle schools during Science Week
Epenarra School
Science only day where the students can be immersed in a variety of experiments that involve them taking something home.
Gray Primary School
Celebrating Science – Gray Primary will run an experiment-based programme, commencing on Monday, 12th August and culminating with a two-hour celebration of discovery through scientific investigations on August 16th
Gunbalanya School
Gunbalanya Science Fair including sister school and the community.
Haasts Bluff School
A century of Australian Science, centuries of Anangu knowledge: understanding and interpreting traditional and contemporary science knowledge through artistic practice.
Henbury School
A week of science – Interactive and hands-on activities for in-campus students and outreach students having special needs. Students will learn about recycling, sustainability, climate change, carbon chemistry and environmental science.
Howard Springs Primary School
The Howard Springs Science Extravaganza – a range of activities over Science Week involving whole school.
Jingili Primary School
Space Expo – The whole school science program is focused on space. Students will use available props to demonstrate their learning to parents.
Kalkaringi School
Science Spectacular Day! The event will involve a day of science experiments that will be taught by the older students and Indigenous Assistant teachers
Living Waters Lutheran School
2013 Sensational Science Fair – Students will be involved in either individual, small group or whole class inquiries that they will present at the fair.
Moil Primary School
Science Week through Technology: Over the five days of Science Week, several key workshops will be offered to class groups. These include online activities and apps using desktop computers and I-Pads, LEGO robotics, solar energy and hands-on activities.
Ntaria School
An inaugural whole school science fair – Students will rotate through science activities and experiments to experience the wonder of science
O’Loughlin Catholic College
Renewable energy focus with the aim to get a 4.5kW solar power array for the school. Demonstrations and work with our STELR materials will give the week a real renewable energy flavour.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College – Bath Street Campus
Science Spectacular! Year 3 and 4 students will be hosting a Bath Street Science Fair that aims to demonstrate how science is interesting, challenging, and important and of direct relevance to our daily lives.
Parap Primary
Focus on science’ week. Week of science activities focussing on the Australian Curriculum: Science
Rosebery Middle School
Incredible Inventions of the last century’ – three separate workshops in which students from Rosebery Primary & Middle Schools will build replica models of three innovative Australian inventions – ‘Australia II’ and its the winged keel, the solar car ‘Aurora’ and the box kite.
Sadadeen Primary School
Participation in the Sunchase Solar Car Challenge
St Andrew Lutheran School, Leanyer
Students will work in multi-age groups to rotate through various activities planned by each teacher in the school. Selected students will then demonstrate each activity to the students in the Early Learning Centre and at the school assembly for parents.
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Humpty Doo
Science Fair – science fair projects, guest speakers, round robin science activities rotating through activities from each of the 4 components of the Science Understanding strand
St John’s College, Darwin
A range of activities during Science Week 2013 – science quiz with local primary schools, a forensic challenge, travelling science fair, experiments and activities.
St Mary’s Primary School, Darwin
Family Stargazing Night – A family evening discovering the night sky using specialised equipment and led by a trained professional
St Paul’s Primary School, Nightcliff
Super Science Sessions and Soiree – a range of science activities for multi-aged groups focusing on real-life science those students can then replicate at home (so equipment must be easily accessible and economical).
Stuart Park Primary School
Super Science Day – The whole school will participate in a variety of hands on activities to promote and encourage the love of science.
A community science fair involving children and parents engaging in a range of hands on science experiments related to the science theme this term (chemical sciences.)
Acacia Ridge State School
Science and beyond – Students will be extending their existing science research by designing their elaborate tasks that they will then complete testing on during the Science Fair. Their fair tests for their elaborations will be completed in a working partnership with invited parents, partner high schools, and community members.
Balmoral State High School
Balmoral State High’s Primary School Visits: “Harry Potter is a Scientist!” Running demonstrations in 4 of our feeder primary schools as part of science week, to show how some of the special effects in the Harry Potter movies were made (such as the bubbling cauldron, how the potions change colour, and creating gases and explosions). The teacher involved will guide the primary students through the formation of a hypothesis, the recording of results, and the interpretation of the data (in a fun and engaging way of course!) These visits will illustrate important science concepts such as states of matter and chemical reactions.
Beerwah State School
A hands on mobile Sustainability Workshop for upper primary students where individual students construct a working, electricity-producing wind turbine from recycled materials – empty 2L milk container. Students investigate needs for sustainable practices, uses for recycled materials, renewable energy sources and transformation of energy to electricity.
Bowen State High School
‘Science at State High: Outdoors Science Laboratory’. This week-long learning experience will bring science to the students, staff and community by erecting an outdoor science laboratory. The outdoor science laboratory will be a temporary fixture to a selected area of the school oval and will provide authentic science-based learning experiences every lunchtime during National Science Week.
Bundamba State Secondary College
Middle School Science Challenge – students from the local primary schools come to BSSC for a “Wacky Racers Challenge”. Each school will be assigned a secondary student and representative from our local car industry to help guide and mentor students in the development of a balloon powered vehicle built from recycled material. Students will be required to design and test their vehicle based on the materials they are given.
Calamvale Community College
Celebrating Australian scientific achievements at Calamvale Community College in 2013. Students from Prep, Years 1, 2, 7,8 and 9 will produce a Science Expo for their parents, other students and members of the college community to visit.
Clover Hill State School
Earth Sustainability Expo. – To reflect the changes in our country and science over the last 100 years we are going to hold an expo that will involve the school community, students, teachers and parents and the wider community such as a local Kindy, the Mudgeeraba Special School and local community elders. The Expo will assist the students and community, especially the Year 6 and 7 leaders to increase their knowledge, skills and actions in regards to sustainability learning.
Fraser Coast Anglican College
Range of activities. Whole school class visits: Our school goes from the kindergarten through to Year 12, so the plan is to involve the ENTIRE school, with visits from the kindy kids, prep classes and junior school to the senior school science labs. Daily competitions, sunflower growing, Who am I?/What am I?, fact or fiction? and Show Off science club.
Kenmore State HIgh School
A ‘Science in art’ competition will be held where students will be asked to create artworks using scientific images that shall be from an image database or by using images of their own. The best 10 artworks will then be selected and turned into canvas prints to be displayed around the science block.
Marsden State High School
Groups of Year 11 science students will be performing/ demonstrating a variety of experiments at Waterford west primary school during science week. Our theme is chemical reactions.
Marshall Road State School
Science Fair – Children are conducting experiments following the Cows Moo Softly procedure and creating a display of their results and a journal of their procedure.
Miles State School
In conjunction with Columboola Environmental Education Centre staff we will run a Scientist in Residence week with a variety of activities being undertaken during science week. These would include astronomy, water catchment quality tests, GPS navigation, propagation techniques and a school ground biodiversity audit.
North Lakes State College
Throughout the week, science teachers of Years 8-12 conduct science and engineering technology activities beyond its usual science program, with the purpose of engaging Years P-6 in the relevance of science to everyday life and industry.
Pimpama State Secondary College
Science Fair/Expo – Establish Science Excellence partnerships with primary feeder schools culminating in a Science Fair/competition during National Science Week.
Qld Academy of Health Sciences
South East region Solar Boat Challenge
Rosewood State High School
Science Circus with the local primary schools in the cluster (7) as well as a show at the high school. This would involve the presentation of a 1-hour show to the students in Year 5-7 that would excite and motivate students in primary school. The activities in the shows would link to the Australian Curriculum. Science Photo Competition to celebrate a “Century of Australian Science”. A selection of these photos would be displayed in the school foyer, newsletter and local newspaper.
Southport Special School
Southport Special School began a Science fair (during science week) in 2012. It was of huge benefit to all of the students that it was decided to make it an annual event. A number of our senior students research, discuss practice various experiments on a weekly basis before presenting and explaining the experiment to the whole school during an all day and hands on Science fair.
Sunnybank State High School
A variety of activities during Science Week – Competitions including making a chair from newspaper and sticky tape which can support 500 g of rice, the longest flight of a paper plane, and the fastest tarp turning. Displays include a history of the development of the mobile phone in the library and a visit from the Brisbane rocket club for a lunchtime rocket launch, science fair, guest speakers and a science careers booth.
The School of Total Education
Electrical Creation – students are given a variety of energy sources and building materials to make an electrically powered creation that could move a house, someone or perform some other useful or imaginative function. These would be displayed for parents.
Tieri State School
Science Fair with the theme Properties of Materials, focusing on the states of matter.
Urangan State High School
Senior students run a ‘science fair’ for the students from the primary school next door (around year 4). This will enable senior students to showcase their skills but in a way that engages younger students.
Villanova College
Development of a college vegie garden.
Brighton Secondary School
Travel through the Digestive System – Create a large-scale interactive model of the digestive system with middle school classes applicable for learning across the year levels, showcasing a function that highlights a hidden and unremarked upon science in student’s every day lives.
Burra Community School
Water rocket competition with 3 stages that will involve designing, building and testing rockets. Guest judges from the community.
Cowell Area School
Lunchtime Extravaganza during Science Week. A series of fun and engaging practical activities to highlight the wonders of science.
Curramulka Primary School
Planetarium day. Skywatch from Adelaide to come to our small community. 3 other schools will attend.
Findon High School
Yr. 10 to make interactive display for theme of Science Week of historical figures with curriculum links. Present to peers.
Fulham Gardens Primary School
Gardens Alive. Create science unit boxes from seeds to plants. Link with class gardens, maths, science and health.
Grant High School
SkyWatch astronomy education with 360 degree images, travelling digital theatre. Curriculum linked astronomy presentations.
Hackham East Primary School
Build a sundial on the school grounds. Students to look at the science of the sundial’s design and construction.
Henley Beach Primary School
Ahoy & Enjoy! Open the Hatch to Adventure and Learning – The engineering feats of boat building in Australia over the last century. Children will participate in a whole school event for the duration of the school day to learn about, why boat engineers plan and build boats using the materials they do. A variety of experiments will be conducted to test density, surface tension, water pressure and properties of materials. The main activity will involve children making observations of the paddle tail of sea snakes and kraits HMAS
Hillcrest Primary School & Oral Aural Unit
Sky Watch. All R-7 students participate in an astronomy focused Science Week. Evening of astronomy – viewing night. Parents invited.
Millicent High School
Our school plus 6 feeder primary school to participate in a range of hands-on activities including: forensic science, agriculture, making a water filter, converting milk into plastic and constructing rockets.
Mitcham Girls High School
Hocus Pokus?- no, its science!’ – A road show to the local primary schools to engage students in chemical and physical reactions. It will be planned, prepared, practiced and presented by year 9 students.
Morgan Primary School
Science workshops for junior, middle and upper PS students and families from 4 local schools.
Ocean View College B – 12
A B-12 site with a co-located special school next door, the College has a tradition of conducting an expo where students from the Secondary School act as guides/ mentors for the classes in the Primary section, as well as taking activities to do with the nearby special school
Roxby Downs Area School
Science exhibition and visit by a scientist. ‘Speed dating’ with science professionals.
Scotch College Junior School
Scotch College Junior School Science Fair. Junior classes will move around stations. Daily science quiz. Scientist talks.
St. Barbara’s Parish School, Roxby Downs
Students will be looking at the natural environment and wildlife around our area to create a study that can be published in the local paper with recommendations on how to maintain the local wildlife and fauna. Students will also clean up our local park to help revitalise it.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School, Plympton
Unite Book Week and Science Week with ‘A Place In Space’ with a literacy, science, maths and technology focus. Science Expo.
Stansbury Primary School
Science Expo. Students have a morning of science activities including CREST. 4 local speakers talking about how science is important in their work.
Trinity Gardens School
Next generation of Australian scientists. Look at 100 Australian scientists and print information and laminate. Science in a zip lock bag for Science in the Yard.
Waikerie Primary School
Australian natives – fun & food. Plants used as bush tucker, sustainable farming and hands on propagation.
Brighton Primary School
A Science Quiz based on class teams. The Grade 6s will run the quiz for the 3s, 4s and 5s.
Burnie Primary School
Burnie Primary School Science Expo – During National Science Week Burnie Primary will be running a Science Expo/Celebration that will display students’ science understandings from the science units they have completed up to date.
Huonville High School
The Huonville Science Challenge – This activity will be a weeklong challenge that will be based around a competition between house groups at the school from Years 7-10. The challenges will be completed by each grade group that will be given practical activities based around Chemistry, Engineering and Physics.
Kings Meadows High School
Science Speed Careers – Hosting a group of guest speakers who work in science-related careers/industries for a group of approximately 100 Grade 7-10 students.
Kingston High School
Robotic Fun. High School students will build and complete robotic challenges with primary school students in up to 5 local schools. They will learn about how scientists’ inventions are part of our world.
Lansdowne Crescent Primary School
In collaboration with the Hobart City Council, students will create new interpretation plaques for the local Knocklofty Reserve. During Science Week we will share the interpretive walk with its updated and improved signage to students from Mt Nelson Primary, our own students and members of our wider community.
Lauderdale Primary School
Kids Teaching Kids Science 2013′. A science based activities session will be conducted where senior students in the school worked with younger students on a series of science based demonstrations.
Launceston Church Grammar
Optical Astronomy – Viewing the Heavens – Students, parents and staff will be invited to attend an astronomy evening. An informative presentation about the history, myths, legends and developments in astronomy will be followed by optical viewing of the moon, moons of Jupiter, rings of Saturn, star clusters and distant galaxies.
Leighland Christian School
Demonstrations of various experiments to a high school assembly. Students from years 7-12 will present various activities.
MacKillop Catholic College, Mornington
Year 10 Science students will take engaging science activities and our Animal Studies animals to the Southern Support School.
Ogilvie High School
Expo on Women in Science for the last hundred years. This will entail a historical perspective and also a current perspective, with invited scientists coming in to the school.
Rocherlea Primary School
Whole school science performance/expo for students Prep to grade 6.
Southern Support School
Science fair with MacKillop Catholic College and construction of Science Week kits. Each class in the school (9 classes, each with approximately 6 students ranging in ages from 5 to 18) will be given a kit containing a selection of science resources.
Ulverstone High School
Science Week Expo – Opportunity for Ulverstone High School students to present the findings of their science investigations to the community.
Westbury Primary School
Westbury Wonders of Science – A full day event of science experiences.
Albert St Primary School, Moe
Designing and creating a sensory garden.
Araluen Primary School
The Araluen Good Food Café – Preparing and cooking meals using ingredients from the school’s vegetable garden.
Ascot Vale Primary School
An archaeological dig of an old house on the school site.
Bendigo South East College
Making informed choices regarding light, electricity and water.
Brunswick Secondary College
Science Road Show to the local primary schools. Year 10s will run lunchtime activities with primary school students.
Chewton Primary School
Community dinner with a scientist. Interactive sessions with Australian invertebrates.
Elmhurst Primary School
Pyrenees Cluster of 7 schools getting together to do science.
Elwood College
Creating an insect terrarium.
Emma McLean Kindergarten
The Emma Mclean Kindergarten Science Expo – looking at all aspects of the environment.
Emmanuel College, Warrnambool
Students taking part in the Melbourne University Engineering competition ‘The amazing spaghetti machine contest’.
Geelong Lutheran College
Using the theme 100 years of science Years 8/9 will produce and run activities for the local middle primary school students.
Koroit and District Primary Schools.
Building on the chemical science learning from a CSIRO visit.
Livingstone Primary School
Billy Cart Derby. Each class will design and make a billy cart that will be raced on the Derby Day.
Malmsbury Primary School
Macedon Ranges Young Scientists Day- working around the theme of sustainability.
Narrawong District Primary School
A multi-age level science fair involving parents and the community.
Orchard Grove Primary School
Four seasons in a week – Exploring the weather, recording and tracking it.
Paynesville Primary School
Local water testing with the local water authority.
Sandringham East Primary School
Local schools making solar boats and the participating in the Solar Boat Challenge.
St Mary’s, Castlemaine
Exploring the physical sciences related to how toys move. Students will design, construct and evaluate their toy. All toys will be donated to an Indigenous community.
Stawell West Primary School
Geology in the Grampians. Students in grades 5 and 6 will design, test and run geological experiments to showcase for younger classes.
Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Special School
Measuring the various aspects of weather using the appropriate tools.
Tallangatta Valley Primary School
Small schools Cluster science bonanza – a fun science activity day.
Tawonga Primary School
Cluster Science day for remote school with neighbouring school and local kinder to hold a whole day of science activities.
Traralgon College
Promotion of their unmanned aerial vehicles. Creating connections with local primary schools and community groups
Tylden Primary School
As per Malmsbury PS
Tyrrell College
‘Taking science out to lunch’. Highlighting all areas of science with the local primary schools.
Wheelers Hill Primary School
Introducing staff and students to current scientific tools.
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Producing and running a science program for the primary students in the local area.
Woady Yaloak Primary School
Soil testing and seed gathering in the local area, to begin to raise seedlings.
Yappera Children’s Service Co-op.
Patterns, shapes and Sorting – Science you can see. Looking at everyday life situations.
Applecross Primary School
Whole school Science Spelling Bee event with networked schools. The champions from each school come together to compete for a science-spelling trophy. A prominent WA scientist will take part in the finals competitions and also speak to the audience about the importance of science in society today.
Baldivis Secondary College
Science Fair for the students to actively participate in practical activities to explore Science and sustainability. Secondary students will run workshops with local primary students.
Baynton West Primary School
Whole school event centred on a Science Day of rotational activities throughout the school. This would involve students forming multi-age groups moving through the school taking part in a series of hands on engaging Science activities linked to the Australian Curriculum and this year’s theme of “A Century of Australian Science”. Each student would complete 6 activities resulting in a set of work samples and experiences to assist heir understanding of science and its many facets.
Beacon Primary School
‘Bright Night’. Out of school hours function for parents and community to come and engage with the students in fun and interesting science activities. Set up as a tabloid style presentation, the children will help with the planning and preparation of the stations. The evening will be concluded with a sausage sizzle and a simple feedback sheet will be used to gauge the success of the evening.
Bencubbin Primary School
Annual Science Night. The students organise science investigations in each classroom and parents, grandparents and community members move through each classroom and complete investigations with their children.
Cape Naturaliste College
Nanotech Exhibition – A range of activities and demonstrations run by Yr 11-12 students to engage Yr 8-10 in Science in the Lab and via the School Library. This will provide the senior students an opportunity to learn about a specific topic in more depth, and to carry out a demonstration that develops their communication and presentation skills. We have chosen nano-technology as an area currently outside the main curriculum, but with enormous potential in industry and medicine and an example of emerging science & technology.
Charthouse Primary School
To celebrate Canberra’s centenary, as a school, we are going to look at the major inventions that have come out of Australia in the past 100 years (1913 – 2013). A list will be compiled and students will have the opportunity to investigate the scientists who made the invention as well as plan and recreate this invention. The local community will be invited.
Curtin Primary School
Science Fun Day’ to continue to promote science not only throughout the school but the community as well. Each class will have an experiment and science idea to showcase, and students, parents and teachers will rotate around stations throughout the session.
Goollelal Primary School
Whole school science day (K to year 7) with rotating speakers/presentations. Presenters include 2 scientists in schools partners/high school science teachers/ECU teacher/Scitech/Astronomy Education/Rainforests presentation
Greenwood College
Science Roadshow. One high school teacher, one laboratory assistant and two high school students will visit six local primary schools (three schools per day – one hour shows). They will be involved in a show called ‘Science it’s Everywhere’. Primary students will see demonstrations of Chemical Science, Physical Science and they will also be involved in making Lego robots follow a path around the room.
Living Waters Lutheran College
Australian themed Science Fair. This science fair will investigate science in the context of Australian icons such as vegemite, fencing wire, pavlovas and football. It will emphasise the Australian national characteristics of inventiveness, resourcefulness, and resilience. Famous Australian explorers and scientists will be honoured with a Sir Charles Kingsford Smith paper aeroplane design contest, “Bragg about my thin hair” diffraction activity, and a Douglas Mawson Ice-cream making challenge – all with the underlying emphasis of science.
Mt Barker Community College
Science expo – Yr 4/5/6 students will design experiments to show to rest of school as they rotate around “experiment stations”. The yr 4/5/6 will make posters to explain the science principal behind their experiment.
North Albany State High School
Science and Scientists in Albany – Students will undertake the following tasks. 1. To research, locate and if possible interview past students of our school who are now working in science related fields. 2. Interview adults to find how they use science in their occupation and/hobby. 3. To research, plan, write and then produce short films highlighting science relevant to people in Albany. Good films may be entered into the 60 Second Science Competition. 4. Students will engage in teacher directed activities to learn about Australian Science. During Science Week we will host a whole school assembly to showcase the work of the students.
Rawlinson Primary School
Flying Fun’ – A whole school (Kindergarten to Year 7) Science Mini Fair investigating the science concepts of Air and Flight. Engaging Science Kits will be created on the topics of Air and Flight. They include investigations such as: hot air balloons, air pressure, how birds fly, paper planes, helicopters, rocket launchers, parachutes, kites and Frisbees, hovercrafts.
St Joseph’s School, Busselton
Science Week activities are held from Monday to Thursday involving multi-aged groups of students ranging from Pre Primary to Year 7. Each teacher prepares a Science activity and groups rotate through a variety of activities over the four days. All students gather at the end of each of the day to share activities and experiences. Activities are designed to engage, motivate and challenge students to love Science!
Swanbourne Primary School
Science Fair kindy to year 7 – fun, hands on activities for all participants. Follow up activities will be presented for the children to try at home and back in their classrooms. Photos and articles will follow in our newsletter and in the local press.
Warnbro Community High School
The science and inventions of great Australians. Using the theme of ‘Great Australian Scientist’ we are going to transform our Community High School into a “Museum” containing oversized models, info stations, all made and presented by our students during the week at the school and then for one evening for the local community so that they can see how great Australian inventions and science discoveries impact our lives.
Woodlands Primary School
Earth And Space Sciences – The Night Sky With An Astronomer. The whole school science planning and focus for Term 3 will centre on Earth and Space Sciences, which will also link in with the theme for National Book Week.