We hope you’re enjoying National Science Week so far. There is a diverse schedule of events all over Tasmania through to early September. Ok, why don’t we just call it ‘Science Month’?
This week’s highlights in the South include the already booked out screening of A Thousand Invisible Cords on Wednesday the 16th. Never fear, we’ve put on a second screening on the 23rd but it’s filling up fast. Email set.enquiries@utas.edu.au to book a seat!
This afternoon, want to play with some robots? The Robogals have you covered in their workshop. Wednesday, the Evolution of Energy in Tasmania symposium will be held at Elizabeth College and find out why plastic rubbish that ends up in our oceans is a critical issue with Hard to Swallow: What’s in an Albatrosses Pellet. Thursday evening, there is a presentation about the changes in the distribution of marine species around Australia including what’s on the move and how you can help track them. Friday, those interested in art and science might want to attend the Sam Leach Art Forum conveniently scheduled at lunch-time in the city.
In the Northwest, this evening the Powering Up Science Gig showcases the theme of energy evolution.
Up North, all week you can explore science at QVMAG with plenty of family-friendly activities.
Check back this Friday for a blog about the weekend’s events.
View our calendar of events for more information. (Select a date and more details on the right. May take a moment to load. Hit SEARCH.)
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @sciencetasmania and download our free app from the iTunes store!