So, what did you see? Which ones did you get to? Wait, what? Still on your “to do” list?!? Never fear, there are still lots of interesting and mind-broadening experiences to discover during the last weekend of National Science Week!
From star-gazing to the science of sketching with visual impairment, coding celestial music, learning about the dangers of synthetic cannabinoids, creating legendary guitars from whatever is handy, tracking the journey of malignant cells through the human body, coding 101 for adults, Lego quests, drinking with fishes, aboriginal land management field trips, Harry Potter Trivia, pet-whispering, alchemizing trash into treasure, making energy from waves, learning from a teenage beekeeper, making your own planet and so much more…
There really is something for everyone!
Disclaimer: National Science Week accepts no responsibility or liability for participants falling behind on chores, social engagements and other commitments resulting from the addictive nature of National Science Week events and their associated copious amounts of thought provoking fun.
Here is just a taste of what is still to come:
Mount Stromlo Public Astronomy Night – Stromlo
Mount Stromlo Observatory in conjunction with the Canberra Astronomical Society invite the Canberra community to attend our public observing night during National Science Week. Come and see the rings of Saturn, the craters of the moon, and beautiful star clusters and nebulae.
7-9pm Friday 16 August
The Art of Vision – Canberra
How much of your vision do you need to draw a simple sketch? Find out in our art class…with a twist. In the class you will be provided with goggles or a blindfold to mimic some of the most common visual disorders affecting our society today, and guided through by an art professional.
3-5pm Saturday 17 August
Science Pub Trivia – Aranda
Finish off your National Science Week with Science Pub Trivia. From pop culture to astrophysics – there’s something for everyone. Book your table now!
6:30-8:30pm Sunday 18 August
Coding a virtual spacecraft in Happybrackets – Kensington and Newcastle
Join Dr Angelo Fraietta as he explores how to make studying astronomy both creative and fun. Learn how to program the virtual spacecraft and travel to various places using Stellarium planetarium software in this creative coding workshop.
9am-4pm Friday 16 August: Kensington
9am-4pm Saturday 17 August: Kensington
10am-5pm Sunday 18 August: Newcastle
Synthetic cannabinoids: new psychoactive substances – Hornsby
Why are synthetic cannabinoids more toxic than the herbal variety? Discover the chemical compositions of this recreational drug with researcher Shivani Sachdev, whose research investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying the malignant nature of these drugs.
6:30-8pm Fri 16 August
Bush medicine workshop – North Parramatta
Join us in an exploration of Aboriginal medicine at an interactive workshop, which includes a bushwalk and a yarning circle.
10am-1pm Saturday 17 August
All at sea: The science of sea safety – Sydney
Come and meet specialists from the Australian Maritime College (AMC) who will take you on a scientific journey examining the role of nautical science in sea safety.
11am-4pm Saturday 17 August
Future world: augmented reality sandbox – Wagga Wagga
A hands-on sandbox exhibit combined with 3D visualization applications. Simply mould the sand by hand and the landscape comes to life. The sand is augmented in real-time with an elevation colour map, topographic contour lines, and simulated water.
10am-4pm Saturday 17 August
Future world: guitar apocalypse – Wagga Wagga
Build an electric guitar using recycled materials.
10-11:30am & 2-3:30pm, Saturday 17 August
Botanica Galari – Canowindra
Botanical Illustration and flower press making workshop for participants interested in exploring ecologies, and riparian zones between river and land. Plant habitats and communities along the river margins include fauna and aquatic ecosystems, grasslands, woodlands and wetlands.
10am-4pm Sunday 18 August
Our amazing harbour sunset cruise – Darwin
This event will explore marine science of Darwin Harbour during a stunning two-hour sunset cruise. Scientists will provide insights into the harbour and its unique features. This cruise is for those who are interested in exploring and learning about marine science and those who appreciate nature.
5:30-7:30pm Friday 16 August
Hydraulics workshop: build a robotic arm – Karama
In this workshop young people (ages 9+) can come along and learn the science behind hydraulics, build a hydraulic robotic arm and complete a challenge with it.
9:30-11am Saturday 17 August
Pop-up science centre – Alice Springs
Spin yourself until you’re dizzy, compare your reflexes to a Formula 1 driver and see your fingertips under the microscope with the Shell Questacon Science Circus. The Marian Centre will be overflowing with exciting hands-on science exhibits and spectacular science shows.
10am-3pm Sunday 18 August
Sizzling solar ovens – Woorabinda
Sizzling Solar Ovens is a five day project where senior students and parents will transform the Special Ed Unit into a solar ovens lab. Using recycled materials teams will connect STEM with sustainability on multiple levels.
10am-3pm Mon-Fri 12-16 August
Lego Mania: Antarctic edition – Herberton
Brrr… can you solve the great Antarctic Lego quest? Use your scientific reasoning skills to extract lego from ice at Herberton Library.
3:30-4:30pm Friday 16 August
Dash & Dot for adults – drop-in session – Burleigh Waters
Join in or just watch staff demonstrate the fun world of coding and robotics.
11am-12pm Friday 16 August
Makings of a malignancy: the world’s first cancer-themed puzzle room – South Brisbane
Have you wondered what cancer is, how does it occur, and why some cancers are curable while others are not? Be transported to an immersive experience to see first-hand the journey of a cancer cell throughout the body.
9am-5pm Fri-Sun 16-18 August
Soapbox Science – Surfers Paradise
Soapbox Science is coming to the Gold Coast. Come listen to our 12 fabulous speakers, who are bravely stepping onto soapboxes to take their science to the streets. Love conservation, archaeology, biology, oceans or animals? We have something for everyone.
12-3pm Saturday 17 August
Monarto Woodland birds – Monarto
Woodland birds are being caught, banded and released to document their survival and movements in the Monarto area. BioR is helping university scientists with this, providing opportunities for the public and school groups to see how the birds are caught, to hold them and release them.
9:30am-2:30pm Sat-Fri 10-16 August
Neuroscience at night – Adelaide
Join us during Big Science Adelaide at the Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide, for a fun evening exploring the neuroscience of sex, drugs and salsa dancing. Complete a series of interactive exhibits and compete to show off your neuroscience knowledge.
6-9pm Friday 16 August
The adventures of Mungo the Magpie – Crafers
A delightful theatrical adventure for the whole family in the beautiful surrounds of Cleland Wildlife Park that explores some of the very real and awesome interactions South Australians have experienced with magpies in and around their homes. Features performers from Adelaide Youth Theatre.
9:30am-5pm, Sat-Sun 17-18 August
Mega microbat, mozzie and movie event – Murray Bridge
Join us for an afternoon of lively citizen science updates from the MEGA Murray Darling Microbat and Mozzie Monitors projects, activities for the kids and a community screening of the Scinema Science Film Festival.
2-4:30pm Sun 18 August
Creating a frog-friendly garden – Ulverstone
Creating a frog-friendly garden: Open garden; Practical demonstrations; Frog facts; How to use the FrogID app; live frog and tadpole displays.
10am-4pm Fri-Sat 16-17 August
Beakerstreet@TMAG – Hobart
A pop-up science bar, a parlour of curiosities, an inn for inquiring minds. You will encounter entrancing live music, zoological oddities, amiable wandering scientists, seriously good food and drink, and such a bounty of distractions, you may forget to go home.
6-10:30pm Fri-Sat 16-17 August
Pedal-powered cinema – Huntingfield
Take part in pedalling our stationary bikes to make the equivalent amount of energy required to screen positive films about the technological and community adjustments we can make for a sustainable future. You can power your popcorn and smoothies too, while you watch these inspiring films!
7-9pm Saturday 17 August
Aboriginal land management field day – Ross
A field day on Country in the Midlands Biodiversity Hot Spot with scientists, historian Bill Gammage, farmers, Aboriginal educators and students, exploring the issues around land management and restoration. 8am-4pm Sunday 18 August
Aboriginal astronomy – Ballarat
Astrophysics student and Kamilaroi woman, Krystal De Napoli shares how Indigenous Australians encode scientific information in their traditions and how this knowledge is passed to successive generations.
6:30-8pm Friday 16 August
Harry Potter Science Trivia night – Carlton
Is it magic or science? Discuss the latest science discoveries and test your Harry Potter knowledge. Wear your robes or costumes for some magical prizes. Strictly for witches and wizards aged 15 and up.
6:30-8:30pm Friday 16 August
The psychology of pets – Brighton
Join us to celebrate National Science Week and our latest exhibition, Pets are People Too, with this fascinating panel discussion on the psychology of pets. Hear from leading pet behaviourists and passionate pet advocates about how and why your pets think, act and feel.
2-3pm Saturday 17 August
The Alchemist: turning waste into wealth – Melbourne
Discover how Professor Veena Sahajwalla is repurposing the fundamental molecules and elements within post-consumer waste products to revolutionise recycling science.
5-7pm Saturday 17 August
SCINEMA International Science Film Festival – Bendigo
SCINEMA is a celebration of the power of the moving image to inspire the young, satisfy the curious, explain the baffling and ask the impossible.
11am-1pm Sunday 18 August
Science behind bars (adults only) – Fremantle
Are you interested in discovering the day-to-day life of a Forensic Scientist or Criminologist? Solve a fictional murder at Fremantle Prison, join a Q&A with forensic professionals & explore the science while enjoying a slice of pizza over a beverage.
6-9pm Fri 16 August
3D WEC hack – Albany
Wave Energy Converters promise sustainable energy from the oceans but demand innovation in oceanography, hydrodynamics and geotechnical engineering. Join the UWA Wave Energy Research Centre and Creative Albany D!GS to learn more and 3D print your own WEC design – and test it in the wave flume.
5-8pm Friday 16 August
Gero soup – Geraldton
GeroSoup is an innovative event that crowdfunds support for local innovations and ideas. This GeroSoup, Pollinators are targeting local community groups to talk about the work they are currently doing to spread the Goodness in their community.
6-9pm Friday 16 August
Meet a bee keeper – Melville
Luke de Laeter is a new generation of apiarist, a teenage beekeeper who is sharing his passion for bees and the environment through presenting a unique Bee Incursion Program. He captivates his audience by his enthusiasm and fantastic interactive displays.
11am-12:30pm Saturday 17 August
CitSciWA fungi foray – Crawley
We will have a most entertaining walk around the UWA campus and surrounds, to find and identify the ever-present fungi beneath your feet (not on your feet), fungi in leaf litter, fungi on trees, hidden fungi and more…join us to learn more about the phenomenal world of fungi.
10am-12pm Saturday 17 August
Recreating our solar system – Westonia
We will be creating our Solar System using polystyrene foam balls, paint, glue and other messy fun stuff, scaled to size to create our own model to be placed on display in Westonia.
11am-3pm Sunday 18 August