Premieres on Discovery Science Monday October 1 at 7.30pm (AEST)
Lock your guidance systems onto Discovery Science for our first ever Space Week!
Coinciding with World Space Week, Discovery Science will showcase amazing space programs to satisfy your curiosity about the Universe, humankind’s exploration into space and even some close encounters of the alien kind. Out of this world documentaries launch at 7.30pm each night.
Fascinated by the man that made space history? Then tune in on Monday night to One Giant Leap: A Neil Armstrong Tribute. Or if you are holding out for some more deep voiced theoretical contemplations from Morgan Freeman then don’t fear, he is back in a new season of Through the Wormhole starting Thursday night, where he explores whether or not we will survive first contact.
And what would a Space Week be without a good conspiracy theory? So get your tin foil hats ready for NASA’s Unexplained Files on Tuesday night.
And now for a shameless plug! At Discovery Science we don’t just show the best space documentaries around: we also contribute to science. Don’t believe us? Then tune in to Scanning the Skies: The Discovery Project on Wednesday night.
So get ready to get your Space Week geek on as we tackle the tough questions of the mind and Universe, and embrace the scientific pioneers who are brave enough to present new ways to view the world around us.
Discovery Science is a proud supporter of National Science Week.
Guest post by Discovery Science Australia.