The Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre can bring the science to your school by offering the Renewable Energy Education Projects Trailer and one trained teacher to educate Stage 3 primary students on sustainable energy.
The program allows students to learn about energy and perform a first-hand investigation using various equipment and data collection methods to critically analyse the different energy generation methods and their impacts.
Throughout a 45 minute lesson students will gain an understanding of current and future energy production methods and needs. By exploring, investigating and understanding systems in made and natural environments students can better interpret relationships in the world around them to identify sustainable problems and solutions.
Students will investigate multiple sources of energy including coal, solar, wind and pedal power in a hands-on experience.
By identifying our current and future energy sources and needs, students question and predict the most appropriate energy choices for the future.
- describes how scientific understanding about the sources, transfer and transformation of electricity is related to making decisions about its use;
- use scientific knowledge about the transfer of electricity to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives.
Electrical circuits provide a means of transferring and transforming electricity.
- identify potential risks and demonstrate safe use when using electrical circuits and devices;
- demonstrate the need for a circuit to be complete to allow the transfer (flow) of electricity;
- observe and describe how some devices transform (change) electricity to heat energy, light, sound or movement, eg hair dryers, light globes, bells and fans.
Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity and this knowledge can inform personal and community-based decisions about using these sources sustainably.
- research and present ideas about the different ways electricity can be generated, eg burning coal or natural gas; solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, wind and wave-generated electricity;
- describe how scientific knowledge can be used to inform personal and community decisions about the use and conservation of sustainable sources of energy.
There is a $250 charge for the incursion.
Sarah Williams by phone on 02 4730 3630 or email.