If you’re holding a National Science Week event, it can be a big undertaking. We realise plans change and things happen which might mean alteration or even cancellation of your event (especially if a lockdown happens!).
What should you do if this happens? We put together this short guide to help you out.
- You realise you have to change or cancel your event. Why? Come up with a sincere reason to communicate to the public and be as honest as you can in your communications.
- Consider live-streaming online instead. Resources to help you can be found at the Inspiring Tasmania website. Benefits of this include reaching a much bigger audience online and also comfort of your speakers. No one can see your trackies on Zoom…
- Stop taking bookings – paid or unpaid – as soon as possible if the event definitely has to be cancelled, or if you have to pivot to a free, streaming option.
- Notify your venue, catering, or anyone else involved. Consider anything else you have to cancel. Notify your presenters and issue an apology if necessary.
- Notify us! We can help you publicise the change or cancellation. Email dipon.sarkar@utas.edu.au
- Put a list together of where you have posted information about the event and ensure you update the listings to indicate what’s changed. Likely places are Facebook, EventBrite, TryBooking, or right here on the National Science Week website.
- Contact your attendees! It could be people on your Facebook invite list, an informal list in your email, or a formalised list of ticket holders. Make sure you contact them to let them know you have changed or cancelled your event.
- Post the update or cancellation on social media and if you can, do a paid promotion so everyone sees the notice.
- Put a notice on your website and publicise the change: where will your audience see this update? What makes sense for you?
- Ensure you put up signage at the venue. Despite all your efforts to notify everyone, some will slip through the cracks. If you can’t make it to put up signage, please see if someone at the venue can assist.
- Issue refunds in a timely manner if necessary.
- Review. How did it all go? Is there anything you need to follow up?
Don’t be too worried if you have to alter or cancel an event. People will understand so long as you do your best to keep everyone informed. We are grateful for each and every person taking on a National Science Week event and hope that if you do cancel, you will consider trying again next year.
Updated: July 2021